Saturday, May 31, 2008
A Day Outside

Having a yard is bitter sweet to me, bitter because you have to take care of it and sweet because you get to enjoy it. Today was a perfect day for yard work so Emma and I spent the afternoon outside, I pulled weeds and she ran around like crazy. That is until she decided to lay down and rest, it only lasted for a short while.
If you look at the top of the top picture you can see that our neighbors grass is much greener than ours, I blame it on growing up in the dessert, we are cursed.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Hot Tubbin
How many people does it take to move a hot tub in the rain? 9 Apparently. Levi who is still disabled held the hose, I'm pregnant so I watched, and Izzi was kicked by her horse so she also watched. A fun time was had by all, and Crystal was so excited to finally have the hot tub where she wanted it. The night ended with the season finale of Lost, it was amazing.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Big girl!
Its official, Emma is potty trained! Thats right, no more diapers or at least for 2 more months then we start over with another baby. We started on Thursday and it was a long day of cleaning up messes but it didn't take to long for her to catch on, Saturday was the first accident free day and Sunday she only had one so I would say she's got.
A bunch of us decided to go to Missoula (2 hours away) for Memorial Day, we all needed to get out of town. I was so excited to go to the mall and Old Navy and scared that we decided to travel after just 5 days of potty training. I did all that I could to make it work, her car seat was lined with trash bags and towels, I brought several changes of clothes, and we took her potty so if we had to pull over and have her go on the side of the road we could. While going potty at Old Navy she decided we needed to pray, she kept yelling "pay pay", she grabbed my hands and bowed her head so I prayed while she sat on the toilet. She did so good not a single accident the whole time. Here she is modeling her new panties on her head, she is still figuring some things out.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Photo booth fun
Saturday, May 24, 2008
The Belly

So here it is, my big belly. I am 31 weeks only 9 more or so to go, and she moves all the time. Emma moved a lot but I think this one moves may more. There have actually been a few times that I was sure she was going to burst out of my belly button, there just isn't enough room in there for her and she is letting me know. I have been feeling pretty good just a little uncomfortable and sleepy but other then that I have no complaints. We can't wait for Ella to be here we just want to see and hold her. I think Emma is going to love her little sister but we will see :)
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Spring is Here
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Spring Time Fun
Emma's first time in her pool this spring. Last year she just cried so I think she likes it a little more now.
A Big Appetite
Friday, May 16, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Out of Control
Why Is Sara So Excited!
NO DIABETES NO DIABETES!!!!! Thats why. I hadn't received a call from my doctor yet on the test results which was already making me hopeful, usually if there is something wrong they call you right away and tell you to just eat saltines and peanut butter until you can meet with a dietitian, well at least thats what they told me last time. I just called and the wonderful lady on the phone told everything was fine. So YAY! I will continue to enjoy you ice cream and candy, I will continue to indulge my self with bread and mashed potatoes or any starch I want. Forget you splenda sweetened Diet Rite Cola, its regular caffeine free Coke for me. Ok I will try and control myself so I don't gain 100 lbs, but YAY!!!!!!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Happy Mothers Day!
Now as for my mothers day the only hard part was having to wake up a 6am for church, after hitting the snooze several times I finally woke up and was greeted with this lovely continental breakfast. I know Coy wished it could have been more but I enjoyed it and did not expect him to wake up any earlier then he had to considering just about everyday he has to wake up at 4 to go to work, and it was more then I usually eat on Sunday. I enjoyed some Apple Jacks, pear slices, and yogurt with granola it was very tasty. You may have already noticed two things about this photo, one we do not have a breakfast try so I am using a baking sheet, two at the bottom of the picture is my large round belly that restricts me from having the tray any closer.

Emma woke up soon after with a cry and a very loud thud, after running into her room in a hurry Coy and I discovered her standing on the floor outside her crib. I knew this was coming soon but was still very suprised, her tears stopped almost instantly when Coy gave her, her milk. She then finished my breakfast for me while I got ready.

Later that day Coy and Levi made Jennie and I lunch Levi prepared a yummy chicken salad while Coy made a delicious veggie soup. We enjoyed the rest of our evening playing Mario cart on the Wii, which I must say is the only driving game I have ever enjoyed. It was a great Mother's Day and I was blessed and so thankful for my wonderful husband and my sweet daughter Emma.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Cinco De Mayo

Thats right Feliz Cinco De Mayo!
In Honor of the great independence day we had a fiesta, Dressing up was optional so of course we did. I ended up looking bohemian and Coy look like he always does (not Mexican), but for some reason the ghosts of Cinco De Mayo pasts were smiling down on Emma, I just happen to get package from my mom today that had toys for Emma and this dress from some missionaries in Panama, that just happened to look like traditional Mexican dress, coincidence I'll let you be the judge of that. Either way she looked very cute and traditional.
Being in Montana the only time we get what we consider real Mexican food is when I cook it,
but tonight was an all out Mexican feast. I made carne adovada, and sopapillas, there was mexican rice, different types of homemade salsa, fish tacos, taguitos, mexican wedding cookies
(yummy),the Guido's famous queso, and much more.
And of course as you can see we had to have margaritas which of course were non alcoholic, and my unborn child appreciated that.
As far as looking the most Mexican Jennie and Levi won hands down, I think if Emma didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes she would have looked the most tradtional but she can't help it. It was a great night of food, friends and music that made me like I was back in Albuquerque or as we like to call it "Burque".
Monday, May 5, 2008
"All Gone"
Around 28 weeks of pregnancy you have to get tested for Gestational Diabetes, they do this by making you chug this orange soda that is so sugary it almost hurts to drink it, and exactly 1 hour later they steal 2 viles of your blood, pregnancy is so fun!
I had this awful placenta induced disease with Emma so that makes me high risk for getting it again, so you can see why I am really not excited about it. You might think it can't be that bad, its only for a short time and then your done. Well when you have to poke your finger 4 times a day and your pregnant around Thanksgiving and you have miss out on all the yummy delights and pretend like your mashed cauliflower taste just like real mashed potatoes, then we can talk. Ok I realize I am being a baby because some people have diabetes all the time and not just for a gestation, but I am going to continue to be a baby about it because thats just easier.
Praise the Lord that my carrot and peanut butter snacks and mashed cauliflower produced a healthy little girl and I will do the same if necessary.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
A Fun Time
Just another great night hanging out with friends, our intentions were to play board games but once again Alaina was let down, interesting fact Alaina looovvveeeess board games, if you want to make her very happy, play a board game or really any game with her, its when she comes to life.
But I guess its not bad that we are all entertained by just talking to each other. Alivia who is sitting on the arm of the couch would interject in the conversations when she felt necessary, even though she didn't know what we were talking about, it was very cute.
Sundays are great!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Yay Ice Cream!!!

This is all that remains after 4 scoops of Baskin Robins, ya thats right 4 but before you start judging the pregnant lady because she ate 4 scoops let me tell you they were very small scoops, smaller then normal.
Thats because Baskin Robins had 31 Cent scoop night on Wednesday ( I know its taken me a while to blog about it). When I heard this I was very excited, if you don't know ice cream is my favorite dessert, only I am a little snobbish about it, not any ice cream will do. Usually I don't even like BR's that much but for 31 cents it tasted great! My preference is Cold stone Creamery cheescake ice cream pure and undefiled, sadly the closest one to us it 2 hours away. But we do have a new place called Dolce Villa, they have homemade Gellatto so that is my new favorite place. I've only been once so I don't have a favorite flavor yet.