Friday, August 21, 2009

Story Time

On Tuesday we went to our local library for story time. It was lots of
fun, the stories the lady read were all about food. I think Emma and
Zachary enjoyed it but mostly they were distracted by the other kids,
I think the more we go the more they will understand what's going on.
After the story they had several different stations set up with
snacks. You could make spiders out of cream cheese, ritz crackers,
pretzel sticks, and raisins, or silly faces, and even a lady bug using
pink cream cheese and chocolate chips. I think that is what the kids
enjoyed the most, even Ella was able to join in on that.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

> 4 years ago today I was all glamed up and walking down the aisle. It
> was a lot like today's weather, it was rainy. I remember trying to
> decide if we should move the wedding inside or just hope the rain
> would stop. Well we decided we would to keep it outside, anyway....
> I remember being so excited and anxious, it was here, the day I
> dreamed about since I was a little girl (I know typical). More than
> the wedding I was excited that the man, waiting out there for me,
> was amazing! I knew that I would always be loved, taken care of and
> respected. I felt so blessed that the Lord had chosen such an
> amazing man of God for me.
> I saw this couple the other day and I had to snap a picture, they
> were so cute! Even in their old age this husband was still
> chivelrious helping his wife to the car. When I saw them I thought,
> if the Lord should tarry, I hope Coy and I can be like this couple.
> Cute and old. Although I wonder how we will dress?

> By the way the rain stopped right before I walked down the aisle.



I found Ella in her room rearanging clothes, she was putting Emma's
pjs in her pants drawer. This actually is a step up because typically
she just pulls all the clothes out as fast as she can.

With my big sister

Ella loves her big sister she follows her around the house always
wanting to be near her. Most of the time they play well together and
Emma is really sweet with her.
Ella climbed up on the chair all by herself so she could enjoy her
sippy with Emma.
The thing that scares about this is that I have 2 kids that like to

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What is Happening?!

While doing my hair today I noticed a hair that did not belong with
the rest. It was a very bold white hair! Already!! Is this supposed to
be happening, for a moment my whole life flashed before my eyes, then
I realized it's not the worst thing that can happen so I relaxed a
little. What do I do? Color my hair over one white one, do you pluck
it or does that cause them to multiply? I guess I could do nothing and
maybe I will look more distinguished.