Sunday, December 30, 2007

You must be thinking what a terrible picture its just black. Well this was just for affect I wanted you to see what I see right now, its 12:30am and I cant sleep. I have been laying in bed for about 2 hours now trying to fall asleep but just thinking of all that has to be done this week before we can be ready to have our first service at the Strand. I guess that is just the way a womans mind works, as Coy has been asleep since his head hit the pillow (he did wake up @ 3:45 to work at starbucks and I love him for that). Its been fun and I cant wait to see what God does with us here and how many people He brings to our first service, but I also want to make sure that all I am responsible for is taken care of. Well I feel better having vented I think now I will try and count some sheep. Who even came up with that saying and why sheep? I'll be thinking of that for the next 2 hours.
DISCLAIMER....I am not responsible for anything I just said, its way to late to be blogging.

1 comment:

Levi Lusko said...

this was superb! that was the perfect time to be blogging, when you are tired, drowsy, impaired, or just plain heavily medicated. the lucid thoughts of a fully alert person are boring. you are on the right track. keep up the good work.