I'd like to think I'm a pretty good cook, now of course I've had those
meals that just didn't turn out as planned but are still edable. I can
say I have definately grown in my cooking skills since Coy and I have
been married. But In our 3 years of marriage I have never failed at
dinner so miserably before tonight.
First we were going to have fajitas but I realized I didn't have all
that I needed, I rememberedi had some ground beef in the freezer so we
down graded to tacos. I started preparing early so that dinner would
be ready as soon as Coy got home I had the meat out defrosting, grated
the cheese, warmed the beans, and began baking my shells. Coy got home
close to 7 and dinner wasn't ready (I blame the kids) but all I had to
do was cook the meat and bake the rest of the taco shells. With in
seconds of putting the meat in the pan I realized it did not smell
right. It was rotten. Just then Emma needed my immediate attention,
and when I returned my shells were burnt. With much frustration in my
voice I exclaimed "dinner is ruined". Coy being the loving husband he
is offered Taco Bell for dinner and I accepted.