I love watching Emma's imagination grow (not literally), she is starting to act things out and talk to her toys. Earlier she put Minnie down for a nap in her room, then later asked Mickey if he needed his jacket. Currently Emma is walking around the house with Mickey and Minnie looking for Goofy ( she doesn't have a Goofy toy) . She keeps asking if we can go to the moon to get Goofy because that's where he is, according to one of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse shows. She keeps saying "where'd Goofy go? Fly to the moon?" Then she knocks on the door and says " come in Goofy".
Frankie took her outside to look for the moon but they couldn't find it, so we will have to go to the moon another night.
OK PaPa and Grandma Sally are going to the Disney store today and we will bring Goofy from the moon next week!
this made me laugh so hard!
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