Thursday, October 16, 2008

The things a toddler says

Ok maybe I shouldn't be letting people know this but it was so funny I
can't help it.
Coy is watching baseball, and every once I a while Emma will say
something like "wow" or "go Red Sox". these are all normal things. But
not what she said this last time, she casually looked up at the tv and
said "oh my gosh disgusting" so Coy said "what's disgusting", "his
face is disgusting", says Emma. We were so shocked and wanted to
laugh, and we did when she wasn't looking but quickly let her know
that, that's not nice and we don't say things like that. Now the
disclaimer: Coy and I have never said that about anyone.


Brooke said...

That is hilarious! Looks like you need to do some friend maintenance and see who is the culprit of giving your daughter an earful of mean words :)

Anonymous said...

i'm sure I have said that a few times!
hahah MAN that is just so hilarious. I wish I could have heard it

alaina said...

that is really funny!