Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Weather Update
Well it snowed again yesterday but today we will enjoy the sun. Todays high is supposed to be 60, and the rest of the week looks pretty good. This has been the weirdest spring I have ever experienced in my life. According to the next 10 days should be in the 50's and 60's with the exception of one day, which will be in the 40's, not surprising. Please Lord no more cold!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Where's Emma?
Emma is at the age now where she can play in her room with out me having to be in there and watch her. So I will just check on her every once in a while, well today I heard some crinkling and thought to myself what toys in her room crinkle. None. So I peaked in to see what she was up to only I couldn't see her I could only hear her. Then I spotted her under her crib playing with her wipes and swimmer diapers. I tried to get her out but she insisted on playing under there. I don't know how she discovered this new hiding place, but it sure was funny.

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Ok so I apologize for not have a picture but the situation didn't allow. Coy and I were driving home late from the Active bowling night, I was driving because once it reaches a certain hour Coy can't drive because he will fall asleep at the wheel.
Our right head light was out so I was driving extra cautious so as not to get pulled over. We were about 2-3 miles from our house when I saw a cop car at the stop light across from me, as soon as I saw him I knew I was doomed. I had a red light so was stopped and he turned down the road I was headed to. Making sure to do the speed limit I went towards my doom, he pulled off the road and immediately got behind me, I knew it was over. He told me he pulled me over for having a headlight out and for not having a front license plate, which is illegal in MT. He was nice enough to let me off with a verbal warning, we drove off feeling very relieved, not more then 30 seconds passed when I saw another cop car. I knew what he was going to do, and he did. We passed him and he pulled onto the road right behind us. NNNNOOOOO!!! What do I say, I just got pulled over and the other cop just gave me a warning, can you do the same? He took forever to come to the car but when he did come to the window he smiled and said " I heard you already got pulled over go ahead and go home". Thank You! This was my first time being pulled over in Montana and it just happened to happen twice with in 2 minutes.
Our right head light was out so I was driving extra cautious so as not to get pulled over. We were about 2-3 miles from our house when I saw a cop car at the stop light across from me, as soon as I saw him I knew I was doomed. I had a red light so was stopped and he turned down the road I was headed to. Making sure to do the speed limit I went towards my doom, he pulled off the road and immediately got behind me, I knew it was over. He told me he pulled me over for having a headlight out and for not having a front license plate, which is illegal in MT. He was nice enough to let me off with a verbal warning, we drove off feeling very relieved, not more then 30 seconds passed when I saw another cop car. I knew what he was going to do, and he did. We passed him and he pulled onto the road right behind us. NNNNOOOOO!!! What do I say, I just got pulled over and the other cop just gave me a warning, can you do the same? He took forever to come to the car but when he did come to the window he smiled and said " I heard you already got pulled over go ahead and go home". Thank You! This was my first time being pulled over in Montana and it just happened to happen twice with in 2 minutes.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Active fun
tonight is the wild west active bowling night so Coy and I went shopping. I found several ridiculous shirts and even a skirt. The skirt just made me look large, which is something that I am trying to avoid these days, so I chose not to get it. This shirt was in the running, mostly for the bright colors, terrible pattern, and shoulder pads. Yes I know it looks great but I went with something a little more low key.
A little more
I told you we were expecting snow, but even I didn't expect this much. When I woke up this morning I was very surprised to see how much snow we actually had I think I even gasped. I guess we pulled the patio furniture out a little to soon, I don't know it you can tell but there is about 2 inches on top of the umbrella. I showed Emma the snow through the window and told her to look at the snow, of course she copied me but instead of saying snow she said no. I agree no, no, no snow.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Date night
Tonight after dinner at a weird chinese resturant, we came to Dolce
Via a new gelato cafe. It was fabulous! I had chai and peach gelato
and Sara had Irish cream and chocolate. Sara is so glad we have a new
dessert place.
Via a new gelato cafe. It was fabulous! I had chai and peach gelato
and Sara had Irish cream and chocolate. Sara is so glad we have a new
dessert place.
Tres Purpura Flores
Today was another beautiful day, not 70s beautiful but still nice enough to go outside. So Emma and I went to work in the yard, the tulips that line our walk way are coming in and some are even budding. While raking away some leaves and dead grass I discovered some purple flowers near a tree in our yard, I didnt even know we had flowers planted there, but there they were in all their glory standing tall and proud saying and I quote, "hello spring here we are an were not going anywhere". Little do they know tomorrow they will die, why you ask well let me tell you. Although today was a warm 60, tomorrows forecast is 30 and were expecting snow. So good bye my three beautiful friends I will always remember you in my heart.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Happy tax season everyone
Uncle Sam decided to pay up his debt to us. So, we celebrated by
buying a grill. This is sure to provide many meals of summer fun.
buying a grill. This is sure to provide many meals of summer fun.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday The Way It Should Be
Well yesterday was nice but today was beautiful with a high of 73. So we all decided after church we were going to go to the park and enjoy the weather. We all got lunch on our own and met at the park, of course as soon as lunch was over the girls were off playing. Because Alivia is a professional at the park Emma and her didn't really play together, Emma's large round belly slows her down too much for Alivia's fast pace climbing and sliding. That didn't stop Emma though she crawled through the tunnels, slid down the slides on her own with no fear, but preferred to climb up the slides. She would of course end up falling down the slide but if you tried to pick her up she would get mad and scream until you put her down so she could try again. My mom would have been terrified the whole time if she would have seen her running around. At one point a very braty little boy was refusing to let Emma in the tunnel he would yell at her and kick at her to keep her out, she of course just stared at him, but I was ready to attack and luckily for him I didn't have to. No matter what there is always
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Sunny day

Today was a beautiful day, we didn't even have to wear jackets or as Emma would call them "jackies". Since it was so nice we decided to take full advantage of the day. Coy had to work all day so Emma and I played outside and wished he was there the whole time, then later that evening we enjoyed our dinner on the porch for the first time in a long time.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
On Sunday Emma finally got to wear her cow girl boots that her grandma Sherryl bought her. They finally fit her but because her legs are so short it is a little bit hard for her to walk in them.
Today when I was getting her dressed she kept exclaiming "boots!, boots!" only when she says it, it almost sounds like a bad word. I always said I would never let my kid be the kid that is wearing their boots with shorts or with an outfit that didn't match, so I tried to trick her I pulled out her converse and asked "boots or shoes" purposefully asking shoes last, thinking she would choose the shoes, but she is smarter than I expected, she continued to exclaim "boots!". So I gave in and let her wear the boots, luckily they still looked cute with what she was wearing and she was very happy. All through out the store she would point at them saying "boots", but because it sounds like a bad word I would try and distract her with other things so that people didn't think that I was a bad mother.
Today when I was getting her dressed she kept exclaiming "boots!, boots!" only when she says it, it almost sounds like a bad word. I always said I would never let my kid be the kid that is wearing their boots with shorts or with an outfit that didn't match, so I tried to trick her I pulled out her converse and asked "boots or shoes" purposefully asking shoes last, thinking she would choose the shoes, but she is smarter than I expected, she continued to exclaim "boots!". So I gave in and let her wear the boots, luckily they still looked cute with what she was wearing and she was very happy. All through out the store she would point at them saying "boots", but because it sounds like a bad word I would try and distract her with other things so that people didn't think that I was a bad mother.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Fresh family room dos
Once again we are in the family room, Emma it still recovering from her cold. The family room has been moved from the Active room back to its original smaller cozy room.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Sickie Poo
Emma is still sick, she sounds like froggy from the little rascals (I think thats his name) her nose is dripping constantly so much that her upper lip area is red and chapped, and mommy currently sounds like bobby. With all that said she is still her wild and crazy self playing and making messes. We did stay home from church though it was good because normally when I would be running around getting ready to leave I was able to just relax with Emma. We sat in the rocking chair and instantly she was falling asleep, I enjoyed the cuddle time because these moments are so few, I put her to bed, but first snapped a few sad photos.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Cute Girl
Tonight we had our staff meeting so as usual we were out late. We got home around 12:30am, so Emma had been asleep for several hours but woke up when we left the Luskos and stayed awake the whole car ride home. when we got home and went to put her to bed Coy told her good night and I was going to lay her down but before Coy could leave, with her sweet raspy sick voice she asked "pay" which means pray. Every night when we put Emma to bed Coy like a good daddy prays. He always asks "Emma do you want to pray" and she usual just smiles and gets all snuggly, I didn't realize how much she was used to us praying with her before she goes to bed. I'm so glad she asked.
Usually when its this late she just goes straight to bed but to night she was fighting it. We have a monitor in our room, other wise I will not hear her crying and I will just sleep, it is a video monitor so its fun to turn the video on when we hear her talking or playing in her crib. Thats what we did tonight, she is sick so it is hard to understand her( and she is a baby) but she is saying Livy and Lenya over and over again, I think she might even throw in doggy once or twice. I got just a little clip of it but she did this for about 5-10 minutes, at one point she switched and said Solo (short for Solomon) over and over again only it sounds like "oh row". She is so entertaining even around Midnight.
Usually when its this late she just goes straight to bed but to night she was fighting it. We have a monitor in our room, other wise I will not hear her crying and I will just sleep, it is a video monitor so its fun to turn the video on when we hear her talking or playing in her crib. Thats what we did tonight, she is sick so it is hard to understand her( and she is a baby) but she is saying Livy and Lenya over and over again, I think she might even throw in doggy once or twice. I got just a little clip of it but she did this for about 5-10 minutes, at one point she switched and said Solo (short for Solomon) over and over again only it sounds like "oh row". She is so entertaining even around Midnight.
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