Friday, April 18, 2008

Tres Purpura Flores

Today was another beautiful day, not 70s beautiful but still nice enough to go outside. So Emma and I went to work in the yard, the tulips that line our walk way are coming in and some are even budding. While raking away some leaves and dead grass I discovered some purple flowers near a tree in our yard, I didnt even know we had flowers planted there, but there they were in all their glory standing tall and proud saying and I quote, "hello spring here we are an were not going anywhere". Little do they know tomorrow they will die, why you ask well let me tell you. Although today was a warm 60, tomorrows forecast is 30 and were expecting snow. So good bye my three beautiful friends I will always remember you in my heart.


Levi Lusko said...

very funny

Berni said...

Hi Sara - I believe that these are called winter crocus' - I think...

I know - when we first moved here and the winter just never never ended - I had these in my yard. They gave me something beautiful and fresh and colorful to look at when the long winter turned into a muddy spring.

When we first watched Narnia...I remember commenting that the 100 year winter concept must have come from a trip to NW Montana.

I am at work early to (Saturday) and looking out my window - much snow...