Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cute Girl

Tonight we had our staff meeting so as usual we were out late. We got home around 12:30am, so Emma had been asleep for several hours but woke up when we left the Luskos and stayed awake the whole car ride home. when we got home and went to put her to bed Coy told her good night and I was going to lay her down but before Coy could leave, with her sweet raspy sick voice she asked "pay" which means pray. Every night when we put Emma to bed Coy like a good daddy prays. He always asks "Emma do you want to pray" and she usual just smiles and gets all snuggly, I didn't realize how much she was used to us praying with her before she goes to bed. I'm so glad she asked.
Usually when its this late she just goes straight to bed but to night she was fighting it. We have a monitor in our room, other wise I will not hear her crying and I will just sleep, it is a video monitor so its fun to turn the video on when we hear her talking or playing in her crib. Thats what we did tonight, she is sick so it is hard to understand her( and she is a baby) but she is saying Livy and Lenya over and over again, I think she might even throw in doggy once or twice. I got just a little clip of it but she did this for about 5-10 minutes, at one point she switched and said Solo (short for Solomon) over and over again only it sounds like "oh row". She is so entertaining even around Midnight.

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