Emma loves when her daddy comes home from work, we wait at the back door when we hear him pull up and as soon as she sees him she screams with excitement and raises her hands ready for her dadda to pick her up. Today she really needed her daddy, she has a little bit of a cold and has been fussy. She kept asking for him going to the back door saying "dadda, dadda" crying and then sadly coming to me and wanting to cuddle but I just didn't suffice. Finally with no warning he knocked on the back door, immediately she jumped down and ran to the back, she could hardly contain her self. His hands were full so I
took his stuff as fast as I could so as not to slow her down, he loved on her giving her hugs and kisses and that was all see needed but her dadda was going above and beyond today, he must have known that his little girl needed some extra special attention because he came home with a present from Starbucks. She opened the gift bag and inside was a cute little easter coffee mug with flowers, butterflies and a bunny.He bought it because it made him think of this little ceramic plate he had when he was little, that he loved. She can't use it on her own because of obvious reasons (she likes to throw things). Coy did give her some juice in it but he had to help her. I also got a little present, a delicious double tall decaf (of course) iced caramel machiatto. Emma has such a great dadda and I a great husband.