Sunday, March 30, 2008
Fresh Family Room
Emma is sick and since I'm the childrens ministry director I guess I should follow the rules and not send my sick daughter to the nursery even though I really want to. Instead we have the entire family room to ourselves. Its actually a pretty cool room, the sound is good and so is the video quality, Wednesdays this room functions as the Active Student Ministries room.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
It snowed about an inch last night, yesterday was cold but sunny.
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Friday, March 28, 2008
The Belly
So I have been getting requests from people that want to see my belly, which sounds weird. The only time its ok to request that is when your pregnant, not only that but they like to say "wow your getting big" ( which is almost never ok to say) or they touch and talk to your belly. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining because if you are one of my (girl) friends and you want to feel the baby kick and you want to talk to her and say hi that is ok, I like that you already love my little girl and you want her to hear you. Its the random people you don't know that pretend like their hands are made of metal and my belly is a huge magnet, which I guess I shouldn't really be complaining because no one has done that up here....yet. But with Emma it seemed to happen so much, maybe its because I'm not that big yet. Anyways here is my belly I am almost 5 1/2 months she moves all the time and I have been feeling good just tired. I apologize for never updating our "baby #2" page or any part of our website for that matter, we can't all be Kevin Miller :) really I don't know how you do it. So you will have to settle for this blog.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Sweet Girls
These two girls just love each other so much. Its is so great to see them interact, I was watching them as they were sitting on the stairs together and Alivia was sharing her animal crackers with Emma. They are both so polite, Emma would say please and then Alivia would give her a cracker (she was sharing very nicely), Emma would say thank you and Alivia would say your welcome. At one point Emma didnt say please so Alivia told Emma to say please and she didnt give her the cracker until she did. They sat on the stairs until they finished all the crackers. Sometimes they steal toys from each other and scream at each other but over all they are good friends.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Flower Shop in my Kitchen
Once again I have benefited from having Frankie around. Things have been crazy not having Levi and Jennie around, because Jennie has been at home for a week taking care Levi and the girls, she wasn't around to take care of stage decorations for Easter, and of course none of us thought about it. That is until I talked with her yesterday, so tonight, limited on where I could go I picked some flowers up at the grocery store. I was going to buy just the regular Easter lilies but didn't like any of them. Just them it hit me Frankie used to be a florist, so I bought some loose flowers and put him to work. He probably spent about 45 minutes trying to get them just perfect, and he did a great job.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Well some of you may have heard my wedding dress horror story but for those who haven't the short version it that the company went bankrupt they sent me a dress I didn't want, I payed for my dress twice, and ended up with an extra dress. Some of you may have heard this story because I tried to sell you this extra dress when I heard you were engaged. I really is a beautiful dress that had a retail price of $1829.00, which even after I payed for my dress twice it still didn't cost that much. We told people we would basically take what they could pay but for what ever reason I just couldn't get rid of it. We tried ebay, the paper, and anyone that we heard was getting married. Two years we tried, and when we were moving to Montana I said to Coy, "maybe its meant for someone in Montana". Well I was right, just a month or so after Coy started working at Starbucks one of the girls got engaged. So immediately Coy explained to her our sad story and offered to bring it by for her to look at and told her we would work with her budget, she said she would check it out like they all said so I wasn't to excited. A week or so later I went in to Starbucks to see Coy, and Annie (the girl that was engaged) told me she wanted the dress and handed me cash, at this point I wanted to jump up and down and scream FINALLY! Now I know your all wondering how much did we sell it for, lets just say the amount wasn't even close to $1800 but we didn't care it was something and we were able to bless a young Christian couple.
We went to Annie and Damion's wedding tonight and I was so excited to see her in the dress, it was a strapless but when she had it alter they turned it into a halter, she looked very pretty and we were glad she was wearing the dress and it wasn't in a box under our bed anymore.
At the library

I have been wanting to check out our library and can just never find the time, but Coy actually didn't have to work at Starbucks this morning so we thought we would check it out as a family. Its a pretty nice library, located down town so its a cool old two story building, but on the inside it looks like all libraries do, old and filled with books. I think there is some rule stated in the "National rules for Libraries across America" book that says every library must have at least one librarian with short gray hair an out dated t-shirt,and pants that aren't quit capris but aren't just high waters. I swear every library I have been to has this librarian,

Anyways it was fun to watch Emma run around overwhelmed by the amount of books that surrounded her, she absolutely loves books, if she is getting into trouble at home I can usually tell her to go get a book as she will usually listen and actually sit down and look at her books (I hope that never changes).
We got a few books for her and ones we could take and read with Alivia, I got some cook books and a book entitled "gardening for idiots" it might as well have said gardening for Sara Trammel. Emma didn't last long, we went to close to nap time and she fell asleep in Coy's arms, he really enjoyed th at because she doesn 't ever do that anymore.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Its just a light dusting and may even be gone by the afternoon, but it still made of sad when I woke up this morning.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St Patricks Day
In honor of Saint Patrick's Day I decided to cook a classic American meal, homemade corn dogs and french fries. I almost attempted to make the corn dog batter green but a green corn dog didn't sound good, so I stuck to the original. They tasted great homemade is always better than frozen. We actually had corned beef and cabbage the night before so we did have a traditional St Patty's Day meal we just had it one night early.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The Ultimate Fight
Mac and Pc fighting again, when will Pc learn its fighting a loosing battle. Its ok to give up somtimes.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Immortal Flower
For Valentine's Day Coy and I went to a restaurant called North Bay Grille, it was very nice and very tasty. Before they sat us the hostess gave me a carnation, upon giving me this pretty flower she failed to tell me that it was immortal and that it would never die. I have had this flower on my kitchen counter for exactly one month today, now the tips are turning a little brown but I think at this rate it should last at least a few more months. Its long beautiful life may also be attributed to the fact that Frankie regularly changes its water, he cant help it he used to work in a flower shop and now its just who he is. So I guess its not immortal I just have an ex-florist living with me and I'm ok with that.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
What is this?
What is this gooey bad smelling object, well its an apple slice. Apparently Emma was done eating it while in the car so she decided to put it in the compartment located on the back seat door next to her car seat. You cant tell from the picture but it has fur growing out of it.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Fun at the Park
After my ultrasound appointment we went to the park, it was a beautiful day and Coy didn't have to go to work so we though we would take advantage. We had never gone to this park before and we weren't sure what to expect, like there being hundreds of ducks and geese. Coy took Emma on the biggest slide the park had to offer and
it terrified her so we took her to the part that was for smaller kids, she liked it but it wasn't her favorite part. If you don't know this about Emma she love animals, and she knows what noises they make. When she first saw the ducks and geese she was not sure about them but still interested, after about 2 minutes she decided she wanted to touch them. Now she doesn't know that geese are mean dirty animals but I do because my mom used to have some and they fear no man. As you can see from the picture Emma is the same hight of the geese so she is not intimidating to them at all, if we let her walk far away enough from us the geese would get curious and begin to approach her but because Coy and I were afraid for her life and ours we would quickly move in. She had so much fun and we can't wait to go back with her friends Zachary, Alivia, and Lenya. Oh geese are also tricky, this one tricked me into thinking he that had one leg and was not a threat but his true colors were soon revealed along with his other leg.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Boy or Girl!
Well its the moment of truth. Who was right and who was wrong? I know I guessed wrong. Well you will just have to watch the video to find out.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Girl time (and Zachary)
Stacia is in town so all of us girls decided to go to lunch after womens ministry. Is was so nice to hang out and enjoy a great meal, its like Stacia never left us she just fits right in almost like she belongs here (hint hint).
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Staff Retreat Fun?
What a great time a nice dip in the hot tub on a cold snowy day, that is if the hot tub is actually hot and not cold. To make things worse Kevin decided to go upto his balcony and dump snow onto their heads. They looked funny shivering in the the hot tub with snow on their heads, but I still felt bad for them Im sure it wouldn't have been as funny if I was in there.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Good times
Were on our staff retreat and we didn't bring any toys and the poor girls have been going crazy and hearing a lot of the word "no". Finally I decided to give them plastic bowls and spoons and I don't no why I didn't think of it early. There is no yelling or crying just 2 cute girls stirring some imaginary food. Ocassionally they switch bowls and spoons and continue to stir I love it. They are playing together and sharing it is so great.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Old Habits
I don't know why but I have always had to color coordinate my candy, it is so satisfying. Then I eat my least favorite first and my favorite last. And I have a feeling I'm not the only one that does this.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Going to make herself bald
Emma has discovered her pig tails and love to pull them out and i hate it. This is a chunk of hair that she pulled out.
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