Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Its just a light dusting and may even be gone by the afternoon, but it still made of sad when I woke up this morning.


izzi said...

yah dont want it to snow any more i need to work in my garden.

Berni said...

Hi Sara - I wanted to thank you for the work you do - with my children; Ryan, Ben and Kimmie. I don't know how to exactly e-mail specifically to each of you...so I am hitting the blogs.

You all amaze me, technology wise. Your sites are all so well developed and unique. I am just attempting the 'blogthing'. I always have lots to say :)...it's at bernimcdonald.blogspot...

Anyway - THANK YOU to you and Coy for the work you do with our youth, I am grateful for your willingness to do this work.

And - on the loooonnngg Northwest Montana winters...we all know here that we don't see the sun from November til April - heavy sigh...

There is a saying though about our summers that isn't much more encouraging; 'the coldest winter I ever spent is a summer in Montana'

Take Care - Berni