Well some of you may have heard my wedding dress horror story but for those who haven't the short version it that the company went bankrupt they sent me a dress I didn't want, I payed for my dress twice, and ended up with an extra dress. Some of you may have heard this story because I tried to sell you this extra dress when I heard you were engaged. I really is a beautiful dress that had a retail price of $1829.00, which even after I payed for my dress twice it still didn't cost that much. We told people we would basically take what they could pay but for what ever reason I just couldn't get rid of it. We tried ebay, the paper, and anyone that we heard was getting married. Two years we tried, and when we were moving to Montana I said to Coy, "maybe its meant for someone in Montana". Well I was right, just a month or so after Coy started working at Starbucks one of the girls got engaged. So immediately Coy explained to her our sad story and offered to bring it by for her to look at and told her we would work with her budget, she said she would check it out like they all said so I wasn't to excited. A week or so later I went in to Starbucks to see Coy, and Annie (the girl that was engaged) told me she wanted the dress and handed me cash, at this point I wanted to jump up and down and scream FINALLY! Now I know your all wondering how much did we sell it for, lets just say the amount wasn't even close to $1800 but we didn't care it was something and we were able to bless a young Christian couple.
We went to Annie and Damion's wedding tonight and I was so excited to see her in the dress, it was a strapless but when she had it alter they turned it into a halter, she looked very pretty and we were glad she was wearing the dress and it wasn't in a box under our bed anymore.
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