Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Were getting all packed up and ready to move, not far just a few
minutes away. Moving sucks and we've been so busy, but once were moved
and all settled the blogs will once again flow like milk and honey.
minutes away. Moving sucks and we've been so busy, but once were moved
and all settled the blogs will once again flow like milk and honey.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Snow much snow
As you can see we have tons of snow, the question is where does it go
when they plow the roads? Answer... In the center of road.
when they plow the roads? Answer... In the center of road.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Hanging out
Shopko was having a huge furniture sale, so we all went to check it
out after service and ended up just hanging out for a long time. Were
not afraid to have a good time anywhere.
out after service and ended up just hanging out for a long time. Were
not afraid to have a good time anywhere.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Happy Birthday!

Emma is two today, these past two years have gone by so fast and have been so fun, she is so hilarious and sweet. Even though sometimes she talks back and even pretends like she can't hear you at all. Today I was asking her to put something away and she wouldn't, I asked her if she needed to go to time out and her response was "yes". So I told her to go to time out, she looked at me and clearly said "no I don't want to go to time out". But then she can be so sweet and adorable like tonight. Coy and I put Emma to bed and pray every evening, tonight before Coy could pray she started to all on her own, "God thank you for food, bless our bodies, amen". She did a good job she was just a little confused on the situation. Emma has been such a blessing these past two years and we can't wait to see how God will use her in the years to come. This picture is from her birthday party in ABQ at Chuck-e-Cheese with her new favorite friend Sulley.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
She did it she did it!!!!!!
Yay!!!! Ella!!!! She rolled over for the first time this morning! Just
like with Emma I barely missed it, I stepped into the kitchen to put
the teapot on and when I returned Ella was on her belly. I rolled her
over to see if she would do it again but of course when I went to the
other room and returned she was on her stomach again. Finally the
third time I got to see it. Emma being the the supportive big sister
she is lay next to Ella and told her good job. She is getting so big,
she is 4 months now, such a happy girl and such a joy to have around.
like with Emma I barely missed it, I stepped into the kitchen to put
the teapot on and when I returned Ella was on her belly. I rolled her
over to see if she would do it again but of course when I went to the
other room and returned she was on her stomach again. Finally the
third time I got to see it. Emma being the the supportive big sister
she is lay next to Ella and told her good job. She is getting so big,
she is 4 months now, such a happy girl and such a joy to have around.
We Tried it Again

The other night Emma requested to sleep in our bed, she is so cute and sometimes we just can't say no, so we thought we would give it a try. We layed her down and then we went to bed later. When we got in to bed it woke her up a little bit and as she held Goofy she said, "sleep with mommy and daddy, so cozy" and then fell back to sleep. It seemed as though she was going to actually sleep and not play and she did, that is until about 2 am. For whatever reason she woke up and was playing with Goofy, Mickey, and Minnie, along with kicking me. This of course did not wake up Coy, but he did wake up when I had him take her to her bed where she slept the rest of the night.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Just Talking
Some of the best moments we have with Emma are just sitting at home talking. She is so smart and funny, you will see as we have her demonstrate this in the video. She makes me laugh all day, she shows me areas that I need to grow in and she doesn't even know it. I love seeing her grow and watching her little personality grow and mature. We are blessed with two great girls. The video is kind of long but I didn't get bored so hopefully you won't either.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Change is Good!
So somebody from the church came and cleaned our carpets for us (such a blessing) and they look great. Emma was a little freaked out by it, she refused to walk on the carpet while it was wet. She would forget every once in awhile and walk on to the carpet and then jump up and down and cry "its wet, its wet". Since all the furniture was out of place I took advantage of the opportunity to change things up, and am I glad I did. The living room feels bigger and it just looks better, I guess watching hours and hours of HGTV has payed off.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Yummy Dinner
Awhile back Coy had the great idea of baking a chicken pot pie in the
cast iron skillet and then baking it with biscuits as the crust, so
tonight I did it. It was so easy and super delicious, I suggest
everyone tries it. With Coys great ideas and my amazing exacution
skills we are unstopable.
cast iron skillet and then baking it with biscuits as the crust, so
tonight I did it. It was so easy and super delicious, I suggest
everyone tries it. With Coys great ideas and my amazing exacution
skills we are unstopable.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Excercising our Right
I get so nervous when I vote, I feel like I'm taking a test that I
will be graded after, and at the sametime I am proud to be able to
vote, it makes me feel so responsible and American. We live in such a
small town, that when Coy and I went to vote we ran into the Luskos,
Eric, and Carrie and none of us planned it. Although the true
testament that we live in a small town is that we voted using paper
and not computers. After voting we enjoyed the nice courthouse
grounds. Coy is gaurding Ella she is kind of a big deal (that was for
you Carrie), while Carrie talks to Lenya, she's also a big deal, the
girls are running around, as Eric takes a photo of Levi next to the
ten commandments.
will be graded after, and at the sametime I am proud to be able to
vote, it makes me feel so responsible and American. We live in such a
small town, that when Coy and I went to vote we ran into the Luskos,
Eric, and Carrie and none of us planned it. Although the true
testament that we live in a small town is that we voted using paper
and not computers. After voting we enjoyed the nice courthouse
grounds. Coy is gaurding Ella she is kind of a big deal (that was for
you Carrie), while Carrie talks to Lenya, she's also a big deal, the
girls are running around, as Eric takes a photo of Levi next to the
ten commandments.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Future musicians
They call themselves two brunettes and a blonde, but you probably know
them as Alivia, Elisha, and Emma. Well they played live in the Active
room tonight after service, and they were great, Alivia can really hit
those high notes, Emma can really hit the drums hard, and Elisha
actually knows what she's doing. Later Emma and Liv took turns singing
and it was so adorable. Best show of the year.
them as Alivia, Elisha, and Emma. Well they played live in the Active
room tonight after service, and they were great, Alivia can really hit
those high notes, Emma can really hit the drums hard, and Elisha
actually knows what she's doing. Later Emma and Liv took turns singing
and it was so adorable. Best show of the year.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
This is my life
Emma loves cereal and I'm pretty sure that if I fed her cereal for every meal that she would eat it everytime. Like everyday, today she went to the cupboard pulled out the cereal and requested some, Coy apparently had told her no and to put it away, I at this time was oblivious to all except to the laundry. That is until I heard a strange noise, all she wanted was cereal and we wouldn't let her have it so she decided to get it herself. And this is the result, Fruity Pebbles all over the coffee table.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Dinner with Goofy

Emma no longer has to pretend to play with Goofy because last week Grandma and papa brought her the real deal. She carries him around everywhere he even had dinner with us tonight. She made sure he had his own seat, plate with food, napkin, and even a place mat like she has, only his place mat was a coupon that she found. We even had to hold his hands while we prayed, of course Goofy didn't eat his cheese so Emma did but she replaced it with a potato and then of course ate that as well. She asked where Goofy's car was and then told me it was on the moon, and then later had Coy go get Goofy's blanket and put it on him while he ate, he is very high maintenance.

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Horsie Time

So Emma and I went to a birthday party today for a friend of hers from church, she had fun but things got really exciting when the neighbors came by on their horses. Emma asked to ride the horse but was scared at first and once she got up there she loved it. She has been wanting to ride a horse for awhile now so I was glad she had a chance and that she enjoyed it, even though I was terrified because horses are pretty but scary and their heads and butts are huge and I don't like that.
Friday, October 17, 2008
More toddler craziness
So when I put Emma down for her nap she was wearing this shirt her
pants and Dora slippers. But when she woke up and ran out of her room
happy and cheery she was wearing her purple skirt inside out. Who
knows how long she was awake and what she was up to. Last night after
she dissed the Rays baseball players face, she continued to make us
laugh. She later ran and sat next to Coy grabbed my phone and said
"there you go Coy" we laughed of course and she liked that so she
Continued to call him Coy and began to sing "Coy Coy Coy Coy life is
but a dream". She is ridiculous and I love her.
pants and Dora slippers. But when she woke up and ran out of her room
happy and cheery she was wearing her purple skirt inside out. Who
knows how long she was awake and what she was up to. Last night after
she dissed the Rays baseball players face, she continued to make us
laugh. She later ran and sat next to Coy grabbed my phone and said
"there you go Coy" we laughed of course and she liked that so she
Continued to call him Coy and began to sing "Coy Coy Coy Coy life is
but a dream". She is ridiculous and I love her.
Soooo Goood!

Something glorious happened in our kitchen this past week. We had Dion's pizza, for any of you that have never been to or lived in New Mexico you are thinking, so what. But those of you that have experienced Dion's know how awesome this is. How could this be when Dion's is 1200 miles away? Well, my parents came to visit and much to my surprise brought pizza kits. Apparently Dion's will give you all their great pizza making ingredients the dough, sauce cheese and peperoni, everything is all measured out you just put it all together. It was so great they even brought us bottles of Dion's greek and ranch which are also amazing. Thanks mom and dad!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The things a toddler says
Ok maybe I shouldn't be letting people know this but it was so funny I
can't help it.
Coy is watching baseball, and every once I a while Emma will say
something like "wow" or "go Red Sox". these are all normal things. But
not what she said this last time, she casually looked up at the tv and
said "oh my gosh disgusting" so Coy said "what's disgusting", "his
face is disgusting", says Emma. We were so shocked and wanted to
laugh, and we did when she wasn't looking but quickly let her know
that, that's not nice and we don't say things like that. Now the
disclaimer: Coy and I have never said that about anyone.
can't help it.
Coy is watching baseball, and every once I a while Emma will say
something like "wow" or "go Red Sox". these are all normal things. But
not what she said this last time, she casually looked up at the tv and
said "oh my gosh disgusting" so Coy said "what's disgusting", "his
face is disgusting", says Emma. We were so shocked and wanted to
laugh, and we did when she wasn't looking but quickly let her know
that, that's not nice and we don't say things like that. Now the
disclaimer: Coy and I have never said that about anyone.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
It has been such a joy to serve the great students of Fresh Life
Church. The past year and a half has had its ups and downs in the
student ministries, but these students have made it so much fun. I'm
looking forward to see what God will do on our midst!
Church. The past year and a half has had its ups and downs in the
student ministries, but these students have made it so much fun. I'm
looking forward to see what God will do on our midst!
Date Night
The other night the wife and I went out to a local resturant for
dessert and coffee. It was a great time as we shared one of our
favorites, creme brûlée. It was so nice to enjoy an evening with no
kids (as fun as they are). Horray for date nights!!!
dessert and coffee. It was a great time as we shared one of our
favorites, creme brûlée. It was so nice to enjoy an evening with no
kids (as fun as they are). Horray for date nights!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Goofy is on the moon
I love watching Emma's imagination grow (not literally), she is starting to act things out and talk to her toys. Earlier she put Minnie down for a nap in her room, then later asked Mickey if he needed his jacket. Currently Emma is walking around the house with Mickey and Minnie looking for Goofy ( she doesn't have a Goofy toy) . She keeps asking if we can go to the moon to get Goofy because that's where he is, according to one of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse shows. She keeps saying "where'd Goofy go? Fly to the moon?" Then she knocks on the door and says " come in Goofy".
Frankie took her outside to look for the moon but they couldn't find it, so we will have to go to the moon another night.
Dr. Trammel
Monday, September 29, 2008
My Friend Elisha
I have this problem lately, I don't go to bed when I should. Instead I stay up really late and talk to Elisha Guido, usually on Facebook but tonight in the flesh. Everyone was over earlier but she never left. She is lots of fun and brings out my crazy side. I should go to bed but we are watching food network, she is teaching me the ways of Facebook and were taking random pictures. Anyways I just thought some of you should know about her. Please note what time this blog was posted. I am going to bed now.

This is what we look like when were tired

This is what we look like when were tired

Here we are in Paris, really

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Someone call Child Services
Having two kids he been rough, and I've been having a hard time
keeping up with the house work, so I hired Zachary Guido. He is
limited to where he can go on his car but he is very thorough.
keeping up with the house work, so I hired Zachary Guido. He is
limited to where he can go on his car but he is very thorough.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Monk Monk
Coy has a sock monkey named Monk Monk that he has had since he was a
little boy ( no he doesn't still sleep with it) a while back Emma
found Monk Monk and loved him but wasn't allowed to play with him
because he is falling apart. We found a monk monk at Target and had to
get it for her. My grandma heard how much she loved sock monkeys so
she sent one for Emma and Ella, and yesterday I saw these monk monk
pjs and had to get them for her even though they are boy pjs.
little boy ( no he doesn't still sleep with it) a while back Emma
found Monk Monk and loved him but wasn't allowed to play with him
because he is falling apart. We found a monk monk at Target and had to
get it for her. My grandma heard how much she loved sock monkeys so
she sent one for Emma and Ella, and yesterday I saw these monk monk
pjs and had to get them for her even though they are boy pjs.
Learning to coo
Ella is 2 months old today, she is such a good little baby. Emma is in
bed so Coy and I are spending some quality time with Ella since when
her sister is awake she is usually in her face when we try and talk to
Ella. Emma really loves her but can be a little overwhelming, she is
always so excited to see her and calls her "sister Ella".
Anyways were talking to Ella and she is starting to talk back, I love
baby coos.
bed so Coy and I are spending some quality time with Ella since when
her sister is awake she is usually in her face when we try and talk to
Ella. Emma really loves her but can be a little overwhelming, she is
always so excited to see her and calls her "sister Ella".
Anyways were talking to Ella and she is starting to talk back, I love
baby coos.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I'd like to think I'm a pretty good cook, now of course I've had those
meals that just didn't turn out as planned but are still edable. I can
say I have definately grown in my cooking skills since Coy and I have
been married. But In our 3 years of marriage I have never failed at
dinner so miserably before tonight.
First we were going to have fajitas but I realized I didn't have all
that I needed, I rememberedi had some ground beef in the freezer so we
down graded to tacos. I started preparing early so that dinner would
be ready as soon as Coy got home I had the meat out defrosting, grated
the cheese, warmed the beans, and began baking my shells. Coy got home
close to 7 and dinner wasn't ready (I blame the kids) but all I had to
do was cook the meat and bake the rest of the taco shells. With in
seconds of putting the meat in the pan I realized it did not smell
right. It was rotten. Just then Emma needed my immediate attention,
and when I returned my shells were burnt. With much frustration in my
voice I exclaimed "dinner is ruined". Coy being the loving husband he
is offered Taco Bell for dinner and I accepted.
meals that just didn't turn out as planned but are still edable. I can
say I have definately grown in my cooking skills since Coy and I have
been married. But In our 3 years of marriage I have never failed at
dinner so miserably before tonight.
First we were going to have fajitas but I realized I didn't have all
that I needed, I rememberedi had some ground beef in the freezer so we
down graded to tacos. I started preparing early so that dinner would
be ready as soon as Coy got home I had the meat out defrosting, grated
the cheese, warmed the beans, and began baking my shells. Coy got home
close to 7 and dinner wasn't ready (I blame the kids) but all I had to
do was cook the meat and bake the rest of the taco shells. With in
seconds of putting the meat in the pan I realized it did not smell
right. It was rotten. Just then Emma needed my immediate attention,
and when I returned my shells were burnt. With much frustration in my
voice I exclaimed "dinner is ruined". Coy being the loving husband he
is offered Taco Bell for dinner and I accepted.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A Beautiful Sight
That's right fresh green chili straight from New Mexico roasting in my
oven. Coy's family was just in town and they brought us a 30 lb bag, a
little excesive? Not at all it should hopefully last until next
season. You may be thinking big deal we have Mexican food here in
Montana, first of all ya right and second you can only get this chili
in NM. I miss only a few things since we left NM and that's family,
friends, and New Mexican food, which green chili is a big part of.
oven. Coy's family was just in town and they brought us a 30 lb bag, a
little excesive? Not at all it should hopefully last until next
season. You may be thinking big deal we have Mexican food here in
Montana, first of all ya right and second you can only get this chili
in NM. I miss only a few things since we left NM and that's family,
friends, and New Mexican food, which green chili is a big part of.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
So cute
Alivia is sitting next to me talking to herself, from what I gather
she is taking her back pack and going to California. She also just
shared her pretend tea with me but first warned me that it was hot,
she is so considerate.
Levi is watching the office.
she is taking her back pack and going to California. She also just
shared her pretend tea with me but first warned me that it was hot,
she is so considerate.
Levi is watching the office.
Montana moment
I just saw four deer cross the street at deer crossing sign, don't
know how they knew they were supposed to cross there bit they did.
The deer are just smarter here in Montana.
know how they knew they were supposed to cross there bit they did.
The deer are just smarter here in Montana.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
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