Saturday, January 26, 2008

Pack Rat

Now I am the first to admit that I'm a pack rat. I stress out about throwing things away because you never know if you are going to need it again, but I've gotten better since I have to be the one to find a place for things. I like to think Coy has helped me with that some of his tidiness has rubbed off on me. Sadly though some of my bad habits have rubbed off on him, like my compulsion to save everything. It first started with exhibit A, the packaging to the thermals I bought him for Christmas and it has been on his night stand since then. He has worn them several times, I've washed them so I don't think were taking them back. Now draw your attention to exhibit B the box his slippers came in, again they are worn all the time and are not going back to the store. This lovely box resides on my dresser, on my side so I get to see it everyday when I get my clothes. And last is exhibit C the box to his snowboarding helmet, also received around Christmas and stays on his night stand. Now you might be thinking leave the man alone, let him save a few boxes. I know I sound mean but I just think it is so funny that it is Coy saving random boxes and not me, its in my nature to do so but it is not in Coy's nature. Usually I am the one getting told to throw things away and asked why do I have this or that. I have so badly influenced him.

1 comment:

Tori said...

HAHA I do that too! I don't like to accumulate clutter (knick knacks and such) but when it comes to boxes I ALWAYS keep them. I had almost all the boxes to our big wedding presents stored on our porch for a whole year!!!!